Effect of the Analysis of Algorithm Execution Time, Adopting Unplugged Method, on Third Grade Elementary Students' Computational Thinking Ability
Jungah Kim,Jeju National University
Minwoo Oh,Jeju National University
Jonghoon Kim,Jeju National University
This study analyzed the effect of unplugged education focused on analysis of algorithm execution time to enhancement of 3rd grade elementary school students' computational thinking. An unplugged education program was developed in accordance with the procedures of ADDIE model based on the request analysis results from 70 elementary school teachers and 120 students in third grade. With the developed program, a total of 36 class hours was administered for 6 days to 3rd grade students and comparison tests were implemented before and after the program with 24 students that had board game education for the same hours to analyze the effects. The result of the analysis confirmed that unplugged education focusing on algorithm execution time analysis positively affects the computational thinking of 3rd grade students.
Algorithm, Computational thinking, Execution time analysis, Unplugged
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